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Why did he torture himself by coming here, waitingfor the two mechanical faggots to come wheeling out of their doors to doa goofy dance around each other before engaging in a spastic pantomime ofanal sex while tourists laughed and took pictures?He sat watching as the big clock ticked off another minute, despairing ofhis life. It was all getting steadily worse, he was having a harder andharder time pretending he wasn't miserable.... and here he was onlytwenty-two years old. What would it be like at 30? At 45?!??It was then that Tim had a forbidden though.....,))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))CONCLUSION A: Artsy Ambiguous "Hanging" Ending)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))And here we leave him, with the clock hands pointing to two minutesbefore six, while the bullshit in his brain whirls ever onward,screeching into the night like a mammoth flywheel of loathing and selfpity....... THE END.I know this isn't much of a. She is a brilliant, but if I do say so myself, a rather ruthless politician. The situation is thus. I owe a large personal debt to Lord Gerd Mayone, the Earl of Fretho. Lord Mayone is fabulously wealthy, richer than I as a matter of fact. He provided the funds to raise a portion of the army I needed to invade and conquer this nation of Remnia. He is so shrewd with money that he has already earned back much of the money he loaned me, however, there is still a large debt he is willing to forgive in trade. If I do not take advantage of this offer I will have to raise taxes in Remnia AND Herin, something I am loathe to do since that will cause dissent in both places. I told my own nation of Herin that my military escapade in Remnia would not raise taxes. Raising taxes here may cause a popular uprising to either restore the Duke, your former husband, to his throne, or conversely. to drive me from the throne in my own country. I can not afford either outcome. This is where you come in,.
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